Monday, January 12, 2009

Question: There are no LDS People to Date in my area, what should I do?

Question: There are No LDS People to Date in my area, what should I do?

Answer: As someone who lives in an area with a relatively low LDS population I can relate with your fear, but the reality of the situation is that you probably haven't fully tapped all of the dating opportunities in your area.
For example you may be able to name all of the single adults in your ward. (and if you can't, shame on you, you can't complain about this until you have at least know every one's name!) but what about your stake? Seriously, do you know all of the young singles in your stake well enough that if you met them on the street you could call them by name? What about the rest of your local area? Where is the nearest singles ward to where you live.

The fact of the matter is we as humans love to stay in social situations we feel comfortable with even, if these situations are less than ideal, i.e. not a whole lot of dating potential in your circle of friends. It's safe. There is not a whole lot of unpredictability. Familiarity often breeds contempt.

It has been my observation that most who use this excuse haven't fully explored all the possibilities. So before you completely write off the area where you live as a wasteland filled only with the undateable try this.

1. Attend as many single adult activities as possible. On every level. (ward, stake, multi-stake etc.) start making it a priority.

2. When you attend, you are going to be "on" happy, outgoing and ready to meet people. Resist the temptation to hang out with your regular group. (and if you can enlist their help, so much the better) it should be your goal to come away with as many new names (and phone numbers, if your a guy) as possible. This is a great low pressure environment to try out new conversation starters,approach everybody - not just guys or girls who you think you might be interested in.

3. Have an easy invite already in the works so your introductions can easily transition into an invite, if your a girl, invite guys and girls. You should make your event a simple and easy to attend a group affair.

Ah like so:

you:(talking to a group) You should all come up next Saturday, my friends and I are having a huge BBQ with Frisbee golf. Saturday at 2 you should come.

4. Guys by all means ask girls out. Make your date simple and inexpensive . If there is a question of distance. (which there is in my ward and stake.) be chivalrous and offer to make the drive.

Ah like so:

you: Hey Diane, I just heard there is a new bowling alley in town. I'm going to be in town on Friday anyway we should go.

You never know what you might be missing out on. You might have to look no farther than your own back yard.

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